Thursday 1 November, 2007

Minutes of the Meeting

I was very impressed by the idea of Minutes of the meeting.Minute details are very important in one`s life.We will not think of that matter but when one needs of that particular moment then we feel need of that.Its bettter to have a note of minute things which will help us in future. In routine life small small things play a vital role but we are doing those things subcontiously. So we do not feel the importance of the minute details.

Learning at management schools usually focuses on the larger perspective, that is, understanding macro-level implications. A lot of importance is also given to strategy and management principles. But what Bisiness schools miss out on is that all this planning and strategising will come to nothing unless back-end details are taken care of. After all, a number of small things add up to make the whole. When a client visits a consultant’s premises, everything around the office makes an impression on the client’s mind — the amount of time the receptionist takes to answer a call, a healthy/dying plant on the premises, the cleanliness of the washrooms and so on. Details are also important while understanding a situation/problem or entering into a new venture. When solving a problem for a client, it is important to understand the seemingly trivial aspects of the situation, too. Similarly, while taking on a new venture, it is imperative to get an in-depth view of the requirements for the execution. Attention to detail is paramount in Japan. The Japanese are meticulous and follow protocol in all business interactions. Detailed attention to even how a group of four sits in a car always in the order of seniority — is something that we in India would never think about.

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