Friday 20 July, 2007

Fun ways of dealing with telesales calls

Hello madam, we are pleased to inform you that you are eligible for a free gold credit card from our bank."
~"Good afternoon sir, are you looking to avail of a personal loan?"
~"Would you be interested in switching to our mobile network? We have a host of new benefits to offer customers, including..."
Which of us hasn't been plagued with annoying sales calls in recent years?
Everyone is fed up of them and while we are continually hearing about laws intended to curb such unwelcome advertising, we continue to remain at the receiving end, right?
So some Internet prankster came up with a number of humorous ways to get back at annoying telemarketing executives and has been circulating them through e-mail -- for those of you who haven't seen them yet, here they are!
10 fun ways to stop annoying telemarketing calls:
1. After the telemarketer finishes speaking, propose marriage to him/her. 2. Tell the telemarketer you are busy at the moment, and ask him/her, to give you his/her home phone number and cell number so you can call back maybe very late at night. 3. Keep asking the telemarketer to tell you his spiel all over again. Do this several times. 4. If you receive a call during a meal, tell the telemarketer that it's lunch time, but ask him/her to hold. Switch to loudspeaker mode and eat your food in a languid noisy fashion, chomping away and continuing with the conversation.
5. Tell the telemarketer that all business goes through your representative, and hand the phone to your five-year-old. 6. Say that you are hard of hearing and that he/she needs to speak up -- louder -- louder -- louder! 7. Tell the telemarketer to speak really really slowly because you want to write every word down. 8. If the telemarketer starts off with "How are you today?", say "I'm so glad you asked, because no one these days seems to care, and I have all these problems..." 9. Cry out in astonishment, "Johnny, is that you? I've been hoping you'd call! How is the family?" When he/she insists it's not Johnny, refuse to believe it and say, "Stop kidding me!" This works especially well if the telemarketer is female. 10. Tell the telemarketer to call at your office number and give him/her the number of a rival telemarketing organisation instead!

Thursday 19 July, 2007

New at work

A sense of belonging is what everyone yearns for, while kicking off a new stage of life. You can become really cautious about settling into a new environment — especially at college or a new workplace, where you come in from a different world altogether. Thankfully, it can be made easy, if you just keep your head on your shoulders and are not too eager to judge people around you. Here's how you can do it.

Most first-timers at a job make the mistake of expecting too much out of the workplace. If you picture your seniors/colleagues to be of a certain character and prepare yourself for interacting with them, most of the times you will be disappointed. My friend, whose first job started a few months back at an agency called KPIT Communications, explains, "I consciously approached the job with an open mind, without any expectations - and it helped immensely. Secondly, many companies today, like mine, are youth-friendly. So the atmosphere itself has to work for you naturally - for socialising with others."

Also many of you might have started working soon after passing out of college. You may miss the freedom of campus and behave awkwardly in the first few weeks. This happened to someone even at Google, (one of the 'coolest' places to work at; according to The Google Story).

Value of Life in India

First thought came in my mind was whether I praised India or write something bad about things happening in India. It is one of the big Democratic country in the World. We are worship with Knowledge and Sanskriti. We will find all types of people in India. I just wanted to make a point do we have any Value for our life in India. I am a true Indian and respect my nation a lot but looking, reading in newspapers, watching TV people dying in Train Accidents, Cyclones,Floods,Earthquakes,Riots,Building Collapses,Fire,Road Accidents and the list goes on.... How a normal Human being can can stay safe. While traveling in trains you never know when you come across a train Accident only because of negligence of our Railway Authorities, A truck or a Bus can run over you anytime because of negligence of traffic police no proper mechanism to check speeds, We say you are safe when you are at your home but thanks to our builders & the concerned authorities who approve projects which the material used for building a house is of poor quality and anytime you can loose your house and family because the building can collapse anytime.

I know Natural calamities can not be predicted but why this condition came on India? Because in every field we are inventing some new things against Nature. For making our life we are inventing one thing which will cause other bad effects in one or another way. Natural calamities have no control but are any precautions taken by our Government no. The people who run our nation whom we call Government of India no matter is BJP,Congress or any other political party there one & only one goal is to earn money. If BJP and Congress to very big political parties of India claim that there main goal is to prosper India then why not get together and run the nation but they will not because power & money will be distributed which they do not want? Spending Crores of rupees in Campaigning during elections why do they need to spend this much during elections cannot you spend that money to prosper India, but they will not because the main objective is not to prosper out nation but to have Power and Money. We have people who are more than 60yrs of age running our nation who cannot think innovative, cannot think about future of India they cannot work more efficiently than a person who is 30 to 40yrs of age , we have people who are not even ever gone to school. Why cannot we have eligibility criteria in politics & today in India if a person has to enter any profession he has to fulfill the requirements and be eligible to join that profession why not politics?

No where I find discipline, safety? Everywhere people are involved in one or other case. Once they got power,they are misusing that power for their benecifiary part. Are the political party playing a majore role in moving India ahead in new era. What will be the future of next generations? Are we living in 20th century? What dreams our Freedom fighters thought about India and what are we doing? They are fighting for the people for freedom and we are just doing opposite to that.Terrisom is a common thing in India. Anybody will come with armed weapon and will served their purpose? People are just seeing the scenario. Police departments are there but what is the use?People do not have any fear about police?There will be lakhs of cases are pending in the courts and nobody will even bouther about that.

Tax is being a big issue in India. We are payinh hell lot of taxes on every small things. Whats the use? Are we getting the facilities for which we are deserved? We pay taxes for each and everything but we get nil service from our government. Government asks for each and every account where we sent money does the government gives any statement or account where they spending the money for better future for India. I want to ask people of India does this country has some future? Do we see any value for life for us and our family here in India? When will the nation Change when we will stop fighting for religion & when will we have no destruction during Natural Calamities it will only happen when Politics will end in India, corruption will end in India but is that possible?

Wednesday 18 July, 2007

Earthquake in Japan

The earthquake, which measured six-point-eight on the Richter Scale, hit Japan's north west coast on Monday morning. In the city of Kashiwazaki, residents described being violently shook. Officials there say 2,000 people were evacuated from their homes. The city's modern buildings, as elsewhere in the earthquake prone country, are built to withstand tremors, but the older, mostly timber buildings were reduced to rubble.
Of most concern though, was the damage to the Kashiwazaki nuclear power station. But Yasuhisa Shiozaki, the Chief Cabinet Secretary, said there was no immediate danger.
"At the Nuclear Power plant, the Third, Fourth and Fifth reactors automatically shut down. There is a fire at the transformer building outside the main reactors, but we have confirmed that there was no nuclear leak."
As aftershocks continued to hit, the Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced he'd cancel election campaigning in southern Japan and head to the area. Richard Lloyd Parry, a journalist for The Times, told the BBC he clearly felt the earthquake in Tokyo, some 250 kilometres away.
"I'm on the third floor of a concrete building, and it was like being on a ship at sea for about forty seconds or so, and the utility poles, the wires outside the window were all shaking. Over in Niigata prefecture, and especially in Kashiwazaki where most of the damage occurred, it must have been really something, I mean, people there say they couldn't stand up, it was like being on a storm-tossed boat."
Japan sits on four tectonic plates and is well prepared against its frequent earthquakes. An earthquake in Kobe in 1995 killed more than 6,000 people. The last major quake in Tokyo hit in 1923 and killed 142,000.

...तभी परमाणु संयंत्र चालू हो-अमारी

टोक्यो- जापान के वाणिज्य मंत्री अकिरा अमारी ने टोक्यो इलेक्ट्रिक पॉवर कॉरपोरेशन से कहा कि भूकंप से हुए नुकसान के बाद सुरक्षा संबंधी मानकों की पुष्टि के बाद ही कशीवाजाकी करीवा परमाणु संयंत्र को कामकाज फिर से शुरू किया जाए।टीईपीसीओ के प्रवक्ता ने कहा कि वाणिज्य मंत्री ने टीईपीसीओ के अध्यक्ष तुसूनिहिसा कटसूमाता से कहा कि जब तक सुरक्षा के पुख्ता इंतजाम नहीं कर लिया जाए तब तक परमाणु संयंत्र को चालू नहीं किया जाना चाहिए।गौरतलब है कि जापान में सोमवार को आए भूकंप में नौ लोग मारे गए थे और 900 से ज्यादा घायल हुए थे। भूकंप के कारण दुनिया के सबसे बड़े परमाणु संयंत्र में आग लगने और हल्के विकिरण की खबर सामने आई थी।इसमें कहा गया था कि समुद्र का 1.2 क्यूबिक मीटर पानी संयंत्र से निकले विकिरण के प्रभाव में आ गया लेकिन इससे पर्यावरण पर कोई प्रभाव नहीं पड़ा। इस परमाणु संयंत्र में सात परमाणु रिएक्टर हैं।प्रवक्ता ने बताया कि संयंत्र बंद होने से इस सप्ताह बिजली की कोई कमी नहीं होगी और हम अगले सप्ताह स्थिति की समीक्षा करेंगे।परमाणु कचरे के ड्रमों के ढक्कन खुले : भूकंप के बाद कशीवजाकी-करिवा परमाणु ऊर्जा संयंत्र के टीईपीसीओ में रखे कम विकिरण वाले परमाणु कचरे के करीब 100 ड्रमों के ढक्कन खुल गए है।

Tuesday 17 July, 2007

Beauty Of Mathematics!!!!

1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321

1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111

9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888

Brilliant, isn't it?And finally, take a look at this symmetry:

1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111=12345678987654321

Parantha fest a big hit

This monsoon get ready to relish crisp hot paranthas with an assortment of chutneys and pickles. The mouthwatering spread is a part of the 10-day Paranthas festival organized for the first time in the city to mark the onset of monsoon."Parnathas are liked by the people during monsoons, generally people like tea and pakoras. If we sell the hot item here, it will be liked by the people, it's the king of the bread," said, Manoj, chef.The menu has been specially designed to suit the tastes of people from different parts of the country who come to Jammu for the Vaishno Devi and Amarnath yatras.There are at least 35 kinds of paranthas stuffed with vegetables, meat or eggs. People are inundated with choice but clearly the mutton keema and chicken keema paranthas are the hot favourites.For those watching their weight, there are special low calorie paranthas on offer. The festival that opened at a hotel last weekend has become an instant hit."The chicken paranthas are especially good and I want to learn how they prepare it," said Urmilla Bakshi, housewife."It's very good, we read in the newspapers and we thought it will be of different flavour, we are enjoying very much," said Vineet, businessman.It's not a bad idea for calorie conscious people also to come and enjoy the mouth watering paranthas, after all it's just a matter of welcoming the monsoon.

Paneer Makhani


paneer tikka 1/2 kg (home made or store bought)
2 tbsp butter1 tsp oil
1 tsp kala jeera (black cumin)
1 cup tomato pureesalt - to taste
3/4 cup creama few strips of green chillies, cut lengthwise, for garnish

Method: Heat the butter and oil, and when the butter melts, addthe kala jeera and then the tomato puree and cook over high heat, stirring a few times, till the mixture comes to a boil, and then simmer till the puree splutters.Add the salt and paneer and turn around afew times till coated with the puree and heated through.Add the cream and turn around a few times till well blended and hot.Serve immediately, garnished with the green chillies.Note: If serving later, add the cream and shut off the heat, and re-heat and proceed with the rest, later.

Gobhi Manchurian (Chinese)

500 gm cauliflower-grated
2 eggs-slightly beaten
3/4 cup refined flour
1/2 tsp garlic paste
1/2 tsp ginger paste
1/4 tsp ajinomoto-optionalwateroil for deep frying
2 tbsp oil
1 tsp finely chopped garlic
1/2 cup finely chopped onions
1 large capsicum-chopped fine

For sauce, mix together

3 tbsp corn flour,
blended with 1/2 cup water
2 tbsp vinegar2 tsp salt
2 tsp soya sauce
1/2 cup tomato puree
2 tbsp chopped celery or 1/4 tsp celery salt
1/4 tsp ajinomoto-optional2 cups water

Method: Mix together the cauliflower, egg, flour, garlic and ginger paste, ajino moto and enough water so as to have a thickish batter. Leave thus for 5-10 minutes. Heat the oil and keeping the heat high drop heaped teaspoonfuls of batter and fry to a golden brown. Drain on absorbent paper till required. Heat the 2 tbsp oil, and stir-fry the garlic and onion in it over high heat, till the onions look glossy. Add the capsicum and turn around a few times. Add the sauce mixture, and simmer till the sauce thickens and becomes translucent. Add the fried balls, turn around a few times and serve.

Watermelon Curry


1/4 large watermelon ?
cubed seeded
1 1/2 tsp red chilli powder
pinch turmeric powder
1/2 tsp coriander powder
1 tsp garlic pastesalt
2 tbsp oil
1/4 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp shredded ginger
2 tsp lime juice
sugar to taste
roasted melon seeds

Method: Puree 1/4 of the melon to make juice. Add chilli, turmeric, coriander, garlic and salt. Heat oil, toss in cumin seeds followed by ginger. Stir for about 10 seconds and pour in the melon juice. boil for 5 minutes. Add sugar to taste if required. Sharpen with limejuice. Stir in watermelon pieces. Simmer for 3 minutes. Season and serve garnished with melon seeds.

Can low-cost airlines sustain cheap fares?

Ever flown on a Re 1 ticket or at a fraction of the cost of the railway ticket? Well, those cheap tickets might be a thing of the past if the current consolidation in the aviation industry is anything to go by.By selling tickets at rock bottom prices, the Indian carriers are losing money at about Rs 600 per seat.When a sleeper ticket in the Indian railways costs you Rs 565 from New Delhi to Chennai (2000Km) how can the low-cost airlines sustain selling tickets below that price.The Low Cost Carriers (LCCs) are trying to tap the estimated 50 million premium railway passengers. While using every trick in the book to woo passengers, their own coffers are draining.The mobile revolution by Reliance Infocomm in 2003 began offering call rates as low as 40 paise in line with Dhirubhai Ambani's vision of conquering the markets with low-cost offering.The mobile revolution sustained due to the low-cost operations and the huge volumes generated by them. However, even though low cost carriers were able to attract the much-required volumes, they were not able to avoid the high input costs.

Murali - The Harry Potter of spin

Harry Potter from Hogwarts isn't the only one casting his magic spell these days. Magician Murali from Kandy, who touched the 700 wicket mark in Tests, is spinning his web of destruction on the opposition. Muttiah Muralitharan is still eight away from Shane Warne's record of 708 Test wickets. But he doesn't plan to stop at just that.He wants to take five wickets in an innings in Australia and win a series there.Syed Rasel became Muralitharan's 700th Test victim as the Lankans completed a 3-0 whitewash over Bangladesh in Kandy on Saturday. It was also Murali's 26th wicket in the series.The 35-year-old could overtake Warne in his own backyard when Sri Lanka tour Australia for two Tests in November. The comparision between the two bowlers is still a topic for hot debate in cricketing circles even after Warne's retirement from international cricket. However, as the statistics show, Warne's maximum wickets came against quality test teams. In fact, only 17 of his 708 victims were from minnow teams like Bangladesh and Zimbabwe. Murali, on the other hand, has got as many as 163 scalps against the same teams. However, the Lankan bowler is expected to achieve the feat in much less number of games in comparison to Warne. Murali may be ahead of Warne in several other statistical categories but both bowlers have been in the news for all the wrong reasons. Warne for his off-field activities and the Lankan spinner for his bowling action. But unlike Warne, Murali had to share a huge burden in the bowling department, bowling more than 57 overs per test. And the Lankan has no plans of decalring his innings as yet. He says he is aiming for 1000 Test wickets - a figure which is quite possible if Murali continues to fox the batsmen the way he does in the coming years.

Qiute itnreseitng cechk tihs otu!!!!!


fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too.
Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe can.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.

Friday 13 July, 2007

GOD and Biker

A biker was riding along a California beach when suddenly the sky clouded above his head and, in a booming voice, the Lord said, "Because you have TRIED to be faithful to me in all ways, I will grant you one wish."

The biker pulled over and said, "Build a bridge to Hawaii so I can ride over anytime I want."

The Lord said, "Your request is materialistic. Think of the enormous challenges for that kind of undertaking. The supports required to reach the bottom of the Pacific! The concrete and steel it would take! It will nearly exhaust several natural resources. I can do it, but it is hard for me to justify your desire for worldly things. Take a little more time and think of something that would honor and glorify me."

The biker thought about it for a long time. Finally he said, "Lord, I wish that I could understand my wife. I want to know how she feels inside, what she's thinking when she gives me the silent treatment, why she cries, what she means when she says nothing's wrong, and how I can make my wife truly happy."

The Lord replied, "You want two lanes or four lanes on that bridge?"

Wednesday 11 July, 2007

Your garden determines your energy

It’s nice to see the greenery when you go for a walk. But have you thought once who has to take the responsibility to look the garden green? Answer is its individual responsibility. The owner of the Garden has to take care of their garden which will give pleasure when anybody will see at his garden. These days roof gardening is a common practice. In a city where for per square feet  we have to pay hell lot of money. So those who are having spacious garden can fulfil their wish by making the garden more beautiful by taking proper care of the garden. Even the people who are looking at your garden will give a word of thanks for maintaing such a beautiful garden.
The next time you travel by road, observe the various ways in which people keep their balcony gardens. Some would be having the pots neatly arranged, the plants well-pruned, the garden area clean, the plant varieties correctly chosen — basically, a balcony garden that accentuates the beauty and homeliness of the house. On the other hand are gardens where the plants grow wildly on dirty pots; some of them not watered for weeks, dry leaves and stems hanging loosely — looking much like unkempt hair searching for direction in life. You can judge the amount of energy that will be entering a household by simply observing the way the family takes care of its garden. When you grow a plant, you are actually nurturing a seed of energy. Your plant’s growth is directly proportional to the amount of care and effort you put in. A badly kept garden indicates a family that doesn’t know how to manage its energy. The principle about energy that I have explained before in this column is that it should be managed. Or else, the energy manages you. Ditto with plants. When your balcony is virtually taken over by wet mud, and wildly growing foliage obscuring your view, your garden is in effect controlling the amount of time you spend in the balcony and the degree of enjoyment you derive there. In other words, your garden’s energy is controlling you instead of the other way around. Your attitude towards energy runs through all the activities that you undertake to generate energy — such as cooking, fine arts, even raising a child. A child, like a plant, is a seed of energy that you nurture. If you are unable to ‘manage’ that energy, upbringing is that much tougher a process. So, if you have a poorly-maintained balcony garden, try this:Prune the plants to confine it to below your eyesight level. Paint the pots. Clean the area surrounding the pots of wet mud and dry leaves. Make sure, the plants do not disturb you when you stand in your balcony. Wherever you choose to place plants in your house, make sure they are adornments and increase the energy in the area around them — both by way of colour and presence. Replenish the soil by adding manure. The principle is the same as reinventing yourself in life, by dressing up differently or taking up new courses. Similarly, a plant’s energy has to be replenished. Practise crop rotation: try different plants in the same soil. Gift your plant. Talk to your plant. Studies have indicated that plants that are ‘spoken’ to grow better.

About Mediclaim

Health insurance, or Mediclaim as it is popularly known, has become a modern day necessity. Hence, it is vital that we understand how it works to make the best of it.

1. 24 hours: Most health insurance policies reimburse expenses on hospitalisation only if the policy-holder has stayed in a hospital for at least twenty four hours.
2. Read the fine print: If the policy-holder contracts a disease within 30 days of taking a policy, his expenses are not reimbursed. Also any pre-existing diseases that an individual may have are not covered at the time of commencement of the policy and in most cases are covered only after four years.Other than this certain diseases/ailments like sinusitis, cataract, hernia, etc, are covered only after two years.

3. Go for a family cover, if you are married or have a family: Insurance companies these days offer a family cover. Let's try and understand the usefulness of this option through an example.A husband and a wife opt for two insurance policies of Rs 2.5 lakh (Rs 250,000) each. The husband meets with an accident and runs up a hospital bill of Rs 4 lakh (Rs 400,000). The insurance company in this case will reimburse only a maximum of Rs 2.5 lakh. The remaining Rs 1.5 lakh (Rs 150,000), the couple will have to meet from own resources.If the couple had a family cover of Rs 5 lakh (Rs 500,000), then the insurance company would have reimbursed up to a maximum of Rs 4 lakh. Other than this the couple would also have a cover of Rs 1 lakh (Rs 100,000) available for the remaining part of the year.But a family cover doesn't come cheap. The premium on a family cover of Rs 5 lakh is more than the premiums of two policies of Rs 2.5 lakh put together.

4. Don't change your insurance company every year: Unless the policy-holder has had a particularly bad experience with an insurance company, it makes sense to continue with the current insurance company.The primary reason for the same is the fact that for every year of no claims, the policy gets a 'no claim' bonus of 5 per cent. Hence, if an individual having a cover of Rs 2.5 lakh in a given year does not make a claim, he gets a bonus of Rs 12,500 and his cover increases to Rs 2.625 lakh (Rs 262,500. Other than this if the policy-holder sticks to an insurance company over the years even the existing diseases get covered.

5. Start early: It makes sense to take Mediclaim as soon as one starts working. Typically what happens is that as an individual starts growing old and his medical expenses start going up, he starts thinking of taking Mediclaim. But with age, the premiums tend to go up and more than that insurance companies are not really enthusiastic about selling Mediclaim policies to the older lot.And if you are lucky enough to get a Mediclaim policy most of your pre-existing illnesses will not be covered. The advantage of starting early is that as years go by, the diseases that an individual develops over the years will be covered, of course, to the condition that the individual keeps renewing the policies year on year.

6. Cashless policies: In this case the individual taking a policy is issued a health card. The insurance company has an arrangement with hospitals and, in case of hospitalisation, the policy-holder has to be admitted to one of these hospitals to opt for a cashless transaction.At the time of hospitalisation the health card along with the identity proof needs to be shown. The hospital will then settle the bill directly with the insurance company instead of the policy-holder needing to pay.But this arrangement is not as smooth as it should be. Most insurance companies work through third party administrators, or TPAs. Before getting admitted, the TPA has to be informed. There are TPAs who handle more than one insurance company and hence do not have enough people on their rolls to attend to each and every policy-holder.Given this there have been cases where TPAs have not responded to customer calls and cashless policy-holders have had to pay cash before getting admitted.Also there have been cases of hospitals charging a higher rate to individuals who have cashless insurance, though they are not allowed to do this.A few others tend to recommend additional tests or medicines to those who have cashless insurance. If a policy-holder feels that a hospital is overcharging he should report it to the insurance company primarily because over time this practice of overcharging will lead to increased premiums for everybody.

7. Tax deduction: Under Section 80 D of the Income Tax Act, individuals are allowed to make a deduction of up to Rs 15,000 from their taxable income. For senior citizens the limit is Rs 20,000. This deduction is over and above the Rs 1 lakh deduction allowed under Section 80 C.

Monday 9 July, 2007


Varanasi -- also known as Banaras or Kashi -- has 84 ghats stretching across five-and-a-half kilometres, lining the banks of the Ganga. The city is believed to have been built by Lord Shiva and because it is ruled by him, the king of Kashi -- known as the Kashi Naresh -- is considered the representative of Lord Shiva and has always lived on the outskirts of the city

Tips for safer Net surfing

It may sound cliched to hear that Internet is the future. However, despite the potential and prospects of the medium, many are scared to use it due to security fears. At the same time, those who use the Internet often fumble when it comes to security. Here are 10 ways to keep your personal information secure when online.
     Favor common sense over technological solutions. Keep personal documents safe, preferably in a locked drawer. Shred bank statements, credit card slips and bills before throwing them away.
If it's too good to be true, it is. Never open unsolicited "spam" messages. Delete e-mails offering cash, free gifts or stock tips. Millions of unsolicited "spam" messages are sent every day in an attempt to defraud computer users.
Basic prevention helps. Protect your computer against identity theft. Install security software to combat viruses, spyware and spam and keep it updated.
Know enough about your firewall, the barrier between the public Internet and a personal computer, to know when it is working and when it isn't. Don't worry about the geeky complexity of it all, just know it's operating。
Beware of "phishing", where criminals trick people into revealing personal or financial details, often by sending e-mails purporting to be from a bank. Never casually reply to requests for your personal financial details.
Keep your private e-mail address secure. Consider using different e-mail accounts for shopping, banking, friends and work. There are many free account providers.
Do not use the same password for different sites. Choose passwords with a mix of letters, numbers and symbols. Don't use obvious passwords, such as your first name or "123456" and don't write them down. For memory's sake, choosing a basic root word, then rotating numbers, is safer.
Make online payments safely. Never enter a card number unless there is a padlock in the Web browser's frame, rather than the Web page. The Web address should begin with "https" -- the extra "S" stands for "secure". Consider reserving one credit card for Web use or signing up for a separate online payment service like PayPal.
Secure your wireless network at home and be wary when using public access points. Encrypt the connection to scramble communications over the network. Turn off the wireless network when you're not using it
Treat your laptop computer like cash -- never leave it in a locked car or turn your back while using it in a public place. The same holds true with your mobile phone: Lock your phone (and any passwords you keep on it) when not using it.

How Roshan D'Mello (QA Tester) frustrates developer (Mukesh Thakur)

Roshan D'Mello: Hey Mukesh, there is a bug in your code. Type a text in user name text box and press enter. Beep sound doesn't appear.
Mukesh Thakur: How can that be a bug? There is no requirement that beep sound should come. Anyway, I will assign it to offshore and get it fixed.
After 2 days,
Mukesh Thakur: Roshan, bug is fixed. Please verify.
After another 2 days,
Roshan D'Mello: I have re-opened the bug because sound is not coming in some PCs. Sound is coming in my machine, but my colleague Rajat Choudhry is not getting the sound.
After another 2 days,
Mukesh Thakur: Not a bug. I observed that your friend Rajat Choudhry has old IBM machine. Unlike your DELL machine, IBM machines do not have inbuilt speakers. So, to hear the sound in Rajat Choudhry's machine, please use head phones and then get the bug closed soon.
Another 2 days,
Roshan D'Mello: I have re-opened the bug because sound tone is different across different machines. Sound is coming as 'BEEP' in my machine, but my colleague Rajat Choudhry who is having IBM machine is getting the sound as 'TONG'.
Mukesh Thakur: Not a bug. Get lost man. What can we do for the bug? The two machines are built in such a way that they produce different sounds. Do you expect the developers to rebuild the IBM processors to make them uniform? Please close it.
Another 2 days,
Roshan D'Mello: I have re-opened the bug because intensity of beep sound produced on 2 different DELL machines is different. My machine produces beep sound of intensity 10 decibels whereas my friend's machine produces sound worth 20 decibels. Fix your code to make the sound uniform across all machines.
Another 2 days later,
Mukesh Thakur: Once again it is not a bug. I have noticed that the volume set is different on the two machines. Ensure that volume is same in both the machines before I get mad and then close the bug.
Another 2 days,
Roshan D'Mello: I have re-opened the bug.
Mukesh Thakur: What ?? Why? What more stupid reasons can be there for re-opening?
Roshan D'Mello: Sound intensity is different for machines placed at different locations (different buildings). So, I have re-opened it.
After 2 days,
Mukesh Thakur: I have made some scientists do an acoustical analysis of the two buildings you used for testing. They have observed that the acoustics in the two buildings varies to a large extent. That is why sound intensity is different across the 2 buildings. So, I beg you to please close the bugs.
After 1 year
Roshan D'Mello: I am re-opeing the bug. During the year, I requested the clients to arrange architects to build two buildings with same acoustical features, so that I can test it again. Now, when I tested, I found that intensity of sound still varying. So, I am re-opening the defect.
Mukesh Thakur: GROWLLLL.....I am really mad now. I am sure that the sound waves of the two buildings are getting distorted due to some background noice or something. Now I need to waste time to prove that it is because of background noice.
Roshan D'Mello: No need for that. We will put the machines and run them in vacuum and see.
Mukesh Thakur: (not alive)


Mumbai is known as a busy city. Fast life is the phrase which is suited to this city. One of the Metropolitan city in India While for some out-of-towners, it is Mumbai’s rocking nightlife that impresses them, for others, it is the fast pace life of the city that attracts them towards the city. Crores of people will come to this city for business purposes. Travelling through Locals is an amazing experience for everyone. We can see every aspect of life style in this city. We will get all the food dishes right from Vada pav to the paneer butter masala. The exorbitant nature of Mumbai and the soaring property rates are just a few things that distresses the common man. The rates of land are touching to the sky. For a common man if he wants to buy single bedroom flat , he has to atleast invest some thirty- thirty five lakhs for his dream house.Mumbai feels that anyone who moves here must adjust and compromise if they want to live here. But how can one try to adjust in a city where there are more potholes than good roads, more litter than dustbins, and at least four people standing at any given point in time on your feet in the local trains; a city where you cannot even dream of alighting at Andheri station even though the train stops for fifteen seconds!
Mumbai is known to be a city of dreams realisation and people from every nook and corner of India and abroad land up in this city to make big. The person who is crazy about the food will love this city. For a foodie, loves to feast on the junk food available in the city and has no issue with city food. Chaotic traffic and paucity of accommodation are the two main problems in the city. A person has to travel a lot for going to the job place. But Railway service is excellent. This city has gown around the railway tracks. We will find number of stations while travelling. Train frequency was amazing. Every five minutes we will find the train for the respective destination. Mumbai has always been termed as the city where dreams come true and career prospects have always drawn people to this city. But besides that, higher studies are another driving force for many people. Initially, the exhaustive commuting and the city's always-on-the-move attitude were posing a problem for everyone. But as time passes ,people will use to these situations. This city sleeps only for 3 hours. I remembered the first train starts at 4:15 am. This city is live for 24 hours. Beyond a doubt, this city is not an easy place to cope with but, all one needs to do here is simply ask for help and there will be someone or the other to lend a helping hand.Many people who have made Mumbai their home, feels that Mumbaikars are the real asset of this dynamic city. People are much more compassionate and understanding, and they never let people down in their time of need. The festivities here are unlike any other metros. It is amazing to see how Mumbaikars celebrates even the smallest festival with a lot of enthusiasm and fanfare. The workaholic tendencies of this city set this city apart from the rest of the country. But, she also feels that the kind of life that Mumbai offers, with its abundant career opportunities, is apt for people who look for an independent life. This budding management professional believes that the Mumbai's frantic pace, extensive travelling, lack of cleanliness, heard mentality and of course the exorbitant nature are some of the cons that tax many people like others.
I feel Mumbai is one place that can accommodate people from all the sections of the society. A person earning about Rs 2,000 a month can also survive in this city. The best part is if you are short of funds you can feed yourself with a vada pav that is available for a meagre Rs 5. As far as lack of cleanliness and hygiene conditions are concerned, the scenario is the same throughout the country. While on one hand fluency in Marathi helped ones to find their way in this giant metro, on the other hand Mumbaikars’ support never let anybody down.
At last I said this is the dream city for everyone. Here you will get good exposure in every field and you can flourish in respective streams.

Friday 6 July, 2007

Zindagi Ke Liye Hi Waqt nahi

Har khushi hai logo ke Daman me,
Par ek hansi ke liye waqt nahi.
Din raat daudti duniya mein,
Zindagi ke liye hi waqt nahi. !

Maa ki loree ka ehsaas to hai,
par maa ko maa kehne ka waqt nahi.
Sare rishton ko to hum maar chuke,
ab unhe dafnane ka bhi waqt nahi. !

Sare naam mobile me hain,
par dosti ke liye waqt nahi.
Gairon ki kya baat kahen,
jab apano ke liye hi waqt nahi. !

Aankhon me hai neend badee,
par sone ko waqt nahi.
Dil hai gamo se bhara hua,
par rone ko bhi waqt nahi. !

Paison ki daud me aise daude,
ki thakane ko bhi waqt nahi.
Paraye ehsason ki kya kadr karein,
jab apane sapano ke liye hi waqt nahi. !

Tu hi bata E zindagi,
is zindagi ka kya hoga,
Ki har pal marne walon ko,
jeene ke liye bhi waqt nahi.......
Ki har pal marne walon ko,
jeene ke liye bhe waqt nahi........

Bhai wa..maar dala ..


An Indian dies and goes to hell. >There he finds that there is a different hell for each country.
He goes first to the German hell and asks "What do they do here?"
He is told "First they put you in an electric chair for an hour. Then they lay you on a bed of nails for another hour. Then the German devil comes in and whips you for the rest of the day".
The man does not like the sound of that at all, so he moves on.
He checks out the USA hell as well as the Russian hell and many more. He discovers that they are all more or less the same as the German hell.
Then he comes to the Indian hell and finds that there is a very long line of people waiting to get in.
Amazed he asks "What do they do here?"
He is told "First they put you in an electric chair for an hour. Then they lay you on a bed of nails for another hour. Then the Indian devil comes in and whips you for the rest of the day." "But that is exactly the same as all the other hells - why are there so many people waiting to get in?"
"Because maintenance is so bad that the electric chair does not work, someone has stolen all the nails from the bed, and the devil is a former Govt servant, so he comes in, signs the register and then goes to the canteen..."

Thursday 5 July, 2007

Life cycle

The day you born and the final day of our life is the period where we saw every ups and downs in our life. Imagine the life which you lived for others and the life you spent for yourself. We live the life as it comes or it is a predestined one. Yes I will say it’s predestined one. We are simply the paddles in the Chess Game. There are so many definitions about the life. If everything is predefined why can not we overcome the bad circumstances? Why we have to suffer? The decisions which we take in our life were somewhat wrong in one or another way for which we have to pay for that. Every moment we live just because the All Mighty is with us. The moment He leaves our body we are out of this world. For some of the people it’s a natural cycle process. Birth and death are predefined as per our karmas. Who is deciding these karmas? Its we people who are doing this. The good deeds come into good results and vice versa. Then what is the final truth in our life. The only universal truth in life is Death. The one who born on this Earth 、has to leave this Earth after certain period. Nobody is immortal. How to get rid from these birth and death cycles? Is there any way to come out these cycles?

Since when has being Indian become an excuse for displaying uncivilized behavior?

In India people have wrong misconceptions about democracy. They will not think about others. When things come to their end they will bypass the Law and Order. Government should have some strict rules to be followed in order to protect the Harmony. In India Law and order are only appears on papers. When real situation comes nobody will care about law and order. Why these things are happening in India? Is it because of Illiteracy , dirty mind, selfishness or what? I think lack of discipline and general awareness is a cause of the uncivilisation. India has lot of population and there is no political as well as social will to implement that discipline within the country. People do not follow discipline unless and until it is forced on them. Indians become most civilized when they live in Japan, UK or United States of America (USA). But the same Indians behave in most uncivilized way when they visit Indian temple or any Indian functions. Mind you these Indians are the most educated lot. Educated Indians are the worst offenders of law and civilized behavior. Somehow we Indians love chaotic environment. I am a NRI for the last few years and I am so appalled at everything I see in our country when I come back and I realize that most of our fellow Indians do not realize that anything is wrong with their behavior. In fact I believe the whole demarcation of our people into various castes is the primary reason for such rotten behavior. But what they do not understand is that when you have billions of people crammed on a nail's head worth of land, played by politicians and religious fanatics, 'every man for himself' is the mantra that seems to rule.

How will India become a Superpower???

Man Muscle Money ( the three M`s) was the slogan of the country Japan and these three factors should be implemented to grow the city who is looking for superpower. But these factors had been adversely used in India. People in India have more demand in other nations because of their brains but some people are misusing it to form Monopoly in respective fields. The strength of India will be memorable but it also finds place in destructive activities. Money…what to say about money? Most of the Millinears’ and billionaires’ are from India. I think India is having all capability to become a superpower just the nation has to concentrate more on harmony. Right from the Beauty to Technology India is rocking in every field. If all destructive minds will be used for man kind then we will get more benefits than any other country. In India some people who are on higher positions are misusing their powers to create their fame. Whole nation have to be acted upon this. In democracy people has accepted wrong mind that they can do whatever they want. Are the people in India living in Democracy? We're proud when Shashi Tharoor gets a shot at the United Nations secretary general's post. We're thrilled with the malls, call centers and software whizzes. Let all citizens improve their skills by learning to be best in whatever you do. If you are a master in your field and it is economically lucrative, teach the same skills to others. When all products/ services made in India become best in world, when global buyer starts preferring made in India over made in USA, Germany, Japan etc. We will have become the Greatest. Lastly, let all honest, hard working people with guts and leadership join me to enter politics and parliament. Lets drive out the corrupt and criminals. Let us snatch the seat of power usurped by the demons as Heaven is taken over by asuras from time to time in our mythology. Let's manufacture things better than 'made in Japan', but really not start thinking like them.
In all the way we have to prove our best to the world then only India will become a Superpower.

Influence of Films on People

Cinema. the world itself looks like some Entertainment. Celebrities in Film Industry play an important role in keeping their impression on general people. They are the Role Models to show the present scenario through Films. All characters in this movie are not real and any resemblance of the same with anybody is just accidental but not intentionally made. Does it make any sense of this sentence? Sometimes yes Its better to show especially when we are seeing Horror movies After the picture starts we will be seen such type of sentences on the screen. Sometimes I thought if this is the case then why all efforts have been taken in making high budget films on some themes. May be it is not concerned with the every person but may be its too concerned to another. Director, Story liners have to take hell lot of efforts to make films. It is these people who will decide the theme of the Film and based on that whole film will be made. If concept is really good then it should be come in front of the people. These days it’s very difficult to see the films with our family. The dress sense has reached to the sky level. I do not know why Sensor Board will not take necessary actions on such scenes? Sometimes it’s so vulgar that we can not see. In old Hindi cinemas also dancers are there but no where we will see the vulgarity. These days’ people are exposing like anything. Instead of paying more attention on acting they will concentrate more on consumes. Ya, they have to concentrate on costumes but priority should be given to acting first.

Life lessons from Narayana Murthy

I got this from one of my friend.

I let my younger colleagues talk about their future plans. Discussions about the travails of our journey thus far and our future challenges went on for about four hours. I had not yet spoken a word. Finally, it was my turn. I spoke about our journey from a small Mumbai apartment in 1981 that had been beset with many challenges, but also of how I believed we were at the darkest hour before the dawn. I then took an audacious step. If they were all bent upon selling the company, I said, I would buy out all my colleagues, though I did not have a cent in my pocket.
There was a stunned silence in the room. My colleagues wondered aloud about my foolhardiness. But I remained silent. However, after an hour of my arguments, my colleagues changed their minds to my way of thinking. I urged them that if we wanted to create a great company, we should be optimistic and confident. They have more than lived up to their promise of that day.
In the seventeen years since that day, Infosys has grown to revenues in excess of $3.0 billion, a net income of more than $800 million and a market capitalisation of more than $28 billion, 28,000 times richer than the offer of $1 million on that day.In the process, Infosys has created more than 70,000 well-paying jobs, 2,000-plus dollar-millionaires and 20,000-plus rupee millionaires.
A final story: On a hot summer morning in 1995, a Fortune-10 corporation had sequestered all their Indian software vendors, including Infosys, in different rooms at the Taj Residency hotel in Bangalore so that the vendors could not communicate with one another. This customer's propensity for tough negotiations was well-known. Our team was very nervous.First of all, with revenues of only around $5 million, we were minnows compared to the customer. Second, this customer contributed fully 25% of our revenues. The loss of this business would potentially devastate our recently-listed company.Third, the customer's negotiation style was very aggressive. The customer team would go from room to room, get the best terms out of each vendor and then pit one vendor against the other. This went on for several rounds. Our various arguments why a fair price -- one that allowed us to invest in good people, R&D, infrastructure, technology and training -- was actually in their interest failed to cut any ice with the customer.
By 5 p.m. on the last day, we had to make a decision right on the spot whether to accept the customer's terms or to walk out. All eyes were on me as I mulled over the decision. I closed my eyes, and reflected upon our journey until then. Through many a tough call, we had always thought about the long-term interests of Infosys. I communicated clearly to the customer team that we could not accept their terms, since it could well lead us to letting them down later. But I promised a smooth, professional transition to a vendor of customer's choice.
This was a turning point for Infosys. Subsequently, we created a Risk Mitigation Council which ensured that we would never again depend too much on any one client, technology, country, application area or key employee. The crisis was a blessing in disguise. Today, Infosys has a sound de-risking strategy that has stabilized its revenues and profits.
I want to share with you, next, the life lessons these events have taught me.
1. I will begin with the importance of learning from experience. It is less important, I believe, where you start. It is more important how and what you learn. If the quality of the learning is high, the development gradient is steep, and, given time, you can find yourself in a previously unattainable place. I believe the Infosys story is living proof of this. Learning from experience, however, can be complicated. It can be much more difficult to learn from success than from failure. If we fail, we think carefully about the precise cause. Success can indiscriminately reinforce all our prior actions.
2. A second theme concerns the power of chance events. As I think across a wide variety of settings in my life, I am struck by the incredible role played by the interplay of chance events with intentional choices. While the turning points themselves are indeed often fortuitous, how we respond to them is anything but so. It is this very quality of how we respond systematically to chance events that is crucial.
3. Of course, the mindset one works with is also quite critical. As recent work by the psychologist, Carol Dweck, has shown, it matters greatly whether one believes in ability as inherent or that it can be developed. Put simply, the former view, a fixed mindset, creates a tendency to avoid challenges, to ignore useful negative feedback and leads such people to plateau early and not achieve their full potential.
The latter view, a growth mindset, leads to a tendency to embrace challenges, to learn from criticism and such people reach ever higher levels of achievement (Krakovsky, 2007: page 48).
4. The fourth theme is a cornerstone of the Indian spiritual tradition: self-knowledge. Indeed, the highest form of knowledge, it is said, is self-knowledge. I believe this greater awareness and knowledge of oneself is what ultimately helps develop a more grounded belief in oneself, courage, determination, and, above all, humility, all qualities which enable one to wear one's success with dignity and grace.Based on my life experiences, I can assert that it is this belief in learning from experience, a growth mindset, the power of chance events, and self-reflection that have helped me grow to the present.
Back in the 1960s, the odds of my being in front of you today would have been zero. Yet here I stand before you! With every successive step, the odds kept changing in my favour, and it is these life lessons that made all the difference.
My young friends, I would like to end with some words of advice. Do you believe that your future is pre-ordained, and is already set? Or, do you believe that your future is yet to be written and that it will depend upon the sometimes fortuitous events?
Do you believe that these events can provide turning points to which you will respond with your energy and enthusiasm? Do you believe that you will learn from these events and that you will reflect on your setbacks? Do you believe that you will examine your successes with even greater care?
I hope you believe that the future will be shaped by several turning points with great learning opportunities. In fact, this is the path I have walked to much advantage.
A final word: When, one day, you have made your mark on the world, remember that, in the ultimate analysis, we are all mere temporary custodians of the wealth we generate, whether it be financial, intellectual, or emotional. The best use of all your wealth is to share it with those less fortunate. I believe that we have all at some time eaten the fruit from trees that we did not plant. In the fullness of time, when it is our turn to give, it behooves us in turn to plant gardens that we may never eat the fruit of, which will largely benefit generations to come. I believe this is our sacred responsibility, one that I hope you will shoulder in time.
Thank you for your patience. Go forth and embrace your future with open arms, and pursue enthusiastically your own life journey of discovery!

Wednesday 4 July, 2007

Tuesday 3 July, 2007

Rajdhani Express

The train name itself explains its richness. It’s one of the Royal Train in India. The Train which I liked most is Rajdhani Express. It’s thrice in a week from Bangalore main station. It took twenty two hours to reach to Nagpur. It has very few stoppages and this train is known for his speed. The service provided in this train is excellent. Only thing is little bit expensive as compared to other Express trains. We have to book the tickets of this train at least for one month ago then only we are sure that we will get the reservations. All ministers prefer their long journey by this train. Even some special quota is also there for VIPs.
We will get all the things right from food to the Blankets. I traveled by this train so many times and every time the service provided were very good.

IIM Placement questions:Recent one

They asked some interesting questions to students during recruitment.
Here are some of them:-
1. There is one word in the English language that is always pronounced incorrectly. What is it?
2. A man gave one son 10 cents and another son was given 15 cents. What time is it?
3. A boat has a ladder that has six rungs, each rung is one foot apart. The bottom rung is one foot from the water.The tide rises at 12 inches every 15minutes. High tide peaks in one hour. When the tide is at it's highest, how many rungs are under water?
4. There is a house with four walls. Each wall faces south. There is a window in each wall. A bear walks by one of the windows. What color is the bear?
5. Is half of two plus two equal to two or three ?
6. There is a room. The shutters are blowing in. There is broken glass on the floor. There is water on the floor. You find Sloppy dead on the floor. Who is Sloppy? How did Sloppy die?
7. How much dirt would be in a hole 6 feet deep and 6 feet wide that has been dug with a square edged shovel?
8. If I were in Hawaii and dropped a bowling ball in a bucket of water which is 45 degrees F, and dropped another ball of the same weight, mass, and size in a bucket at 30 degrees F, both of them at the same time, which ball would hit the bottom of the bucket first?
Same question, but the location is in Canada ?
9. What is the significance of the following: The year is 1978, thirty-four minutes past noon on May 6th.
10. If a farmer has 5 haystacks in one field and 4 haystacks in the other field, how many haystacks would he have if he combined them all in the center field?
11. What is it that goes up and goes down but does not move?

Scroll down for answers..... .......

1. The word "incorrectly. "
2. 1:45. The man gave away a total of 25 cents. He divided it between two people. Therefore, he gave a quarter to two.
3. None, the boat rises with the tide. Googly ;-)
4. White. If all the walls face south, the house is at the North pole, and the bear, therefore, is a polar bear.
5. Three. Well, it seems that it could almost be either, but if you follow the mathematical orders of operation, division is performed before addition. So... Half of two is one. Then add two, and the answer is three.
6. Sloppy is a (gold)fish. The wind blew the shutters in, which knocked his goldfish-bowl off the table, and it broke, killing him.
7. None. No matter how big a hole is, it's still a hole: the absence of dirt.
8. Both questions, same answer: the ball in the bucket of 45 degree F water hits the bottom of the bucket last. Did you think that the water in the 30 degree F bucket is frozen? Think again. The question said nothing about that bucket having anything in it. Therefore, there is no water (or ice) to slow the ball down...
9. The time and month/date/year American style calendar are 12:34, 5/6/78.
10. One. If he combines all of his haystacks, they all become one big stack.
11. The temperature

George Bush & Abdul Kalam

While visiting India, George Bush is invited to tea with Abdul Kalam. HeAsks Kalam what his leadership philosophy is. He says that, it is to Surround him with intelligent people.Bush asks how he knows if they're intelligent. "I do so by asking them theright questions," says the Kalam. "Allow me to demonstrate."Bush watches as Kalam phones Manmohan Singh and says, "Mr. Prime Minister, please answer this question:Your mother has a child, and your father has a child, and this child is notyour brother or sister. Who is it?"Manmohan immediately responds, "It's me, Sir!" "Correct. Thank you and good-bye, sir," says Kalam.He hangs up and says, "Did you get that, Mr. Bush?"Bush nods: "Yes Mr. President. Thanks a lot. I'll definitely be using that!" Bush, upon returning to Washington, decides he'd better put Condoleezza Riceto the test.Bush summons her to the White House and says, "Condoleezza, I wonder if youcan answer a question for me." "Why, of course, sir. What's on your mind?"Bush poses the question: "Uhh, your mother has a child, and your father hasa child, and this child is not your brother or your sister. Who is it?" Rice was puzzled and finally asks, "Can I think about it and get back toyou?" Bush agrees, and Rice leaves.Rice immediately calls a meeting of senior senators, and they puzzle overthe question for several hours, but nobody can come up with an answer. Finally, in desperation, Rice calls Colin Powell and explains the problem."Mr. Powell, your mother has a child, and your father has a child, and thischild is not your brother or your sister.Who is it?"Powell answers immediately, "It's me, of course."Much relieved Rice rushes back to the White House, finds George Bush, andexclaims, "I know the answer, sir! I know who it is! It's our Colin Powell!" And Bush replies in disgust, "Wrong, it's Manmohan Singh!"

A page from every 'Guy's Dairy!!!

Everyone in their lives would have had crushes, and me too had my shareof crushes. But, it didn't take much time for each of them to turn to crashes. None of my crushes took off, or probably they crashed even before they took off !! Today, when I look back, I can’t manage but to have a laugh. My first crush was on Miss R. I was in my tenth then. We happened tospeak only once. It was when I had offered her a coke. She refused to have it and the very next moment I gulped it down. I still can’t forget the dumbstruck look on her face. A few days later, she started going around with one of my classmates. They used to go for wonderful evening walks, Miss R, my classmate and her doggy. Unfortunately (fortunately for me), the affair didn't last too long. On one such romantic walk of theirs, my classmate was bitten by the doggy. He brought up the question: Its me or the dog......she chose the dog !!! The news gave me sadistic pleasure.
I was in a co-ed school for my 11th-12th. I got very friendly with MissN in my class. It appeared to me that...yes...she is the girl. One day, Miss N came and sat next to me...close...really heart beats shot up. She said.. I want to tell you something....but please maintain it as a secret. I knew...this was it...yes....she went know...X(another classmate of mine) proposed me......and I too like him...and I accepted. I am telling you coz you are like my brother.......WHAT THE HECK ? As if the first news wasn't bad enough, the second sounded suicidal. I looked at her with an artificial smileand said....Congrats S..S..Sis !!! The next crush didn't take much time to happen. It was Miss S who walkedin to class. I literally had my jaws hanging seeing her. We became good friends...but I never fancied my chances...given the Miss N experience. She was my Biology project partner....while she did the project...I concentrated on her biology ! Just as the boards got over, and as I was mustering enough courage to tell her, her dad got transferred. She changed the city.
Next in engineering college, there was this hottie in my class. Boy....she was a babe...Miss G. She used to stand opposite to me in the chemistry lab. I prayed for some chemistry to happen between us. But I guess, she was much smarter than I was. Miss G realised that I used to mess up all my titration experiments coz I used to be looking at her and not the lab apparatus. I called her out ALONE on my b'day. She turned up with her whole bunch of friends. The girls kept giggling and I looked for a place where I could go and bang my head. I steered clear of her for the rest of my engineering days.Moving on from here, it was a major success story. This time round, it took some time for things to crash....just a little longer..a bit morethan five years. Everything seemed like a fairy tale when the crashfactor took the better of me. By this time, I was in my job and I decided to use the term "interest" instead of crush. So , my interest grew in Miss L in office. I thoughtshe was a very pretty lady. Thankfully, the growth of my interest stopped very soon, the moment I learnt that she was supposed to go on leave the next week for her marriage. She was to marry her long time boyfriend. Only one thought came to my mind....The good ones are always taken !!!Ha ha ha.....thankfully.....I have grown out of all no chances of CRASHES......I live this way now.....hey...wait.....who is this girl???? !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Surf N Earn

These days every people know how to operate the computers and because of this fact the data entry projects, BPOs jobs , Call centers job finds new place in the IT field. A person who knows bit basics of computer can easily do the jobs in Call centers and in BPOs. Even in call centers after a new employee joined they will give special training to these newly joined people and make them train in particular field. They are getting good salaries also. In one way they are contributing to National growth. Their income is more than a good reputed company.
So does it mean that computer literacy makes India stand alone in every field.

Your Right Foot:

I can't believe this, but it is actually true. Try it!!!!!!! This will bring a smile to your face.... How smart is Your Right Foot? This is so funny that it will boggle your mind. And you will keep trying at least 50 more times to see if you can out smart your foot, but you can't!!!! While sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles. Now, while doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your right hand…………Your foot will change direction. I told you so………….And there's nothing you can do about it. If you say you did it…………YOU'RE LYING to YOURSELF........................................... because it CAN'T BE DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!The Mind is stronger then the foot..!!

Are girls go more far in studies than boys?

This is a very good question. Up till now I am thinking that Intelligence depends on individual’s brain level. It’s no way related to sex whether male or female. I saw many girls are very sharp in studies and they excelled in their life. The surrounding in which you born and brought up,  matters a lot. I remember one saying that” The man is known by his company”. If his company is good means he will think like a civilized person. Destructive thoughts will not come in his mind.
I feel sex does not have much do with intelligence. Earlier days girls were supposed to be weaker in mathematics and some science subjects. However nowadays we find girls doing well in these subjects. People are sending their children to tuition classes to understand the subjects clearly. In old days all people thought that the Girls mean she has to get married and should look her house. The ways of seeing at girls were totally different .People thought that girls have to do only two things in life and that are Chool aani Mool. They will be considered as the machines for raising the family. But now the whole scenario has been changed and girls are doing almost all work what boys are doing. Now we can find the girls in every field and their performance is overwhelming. Results wise girls do better as they want to get better jobs. This has something to do with our wretched dowry system and problems with in laws. Boys on the other hand because of physical superiority tend to neglect studies and watch TV and movies when young. Later on they take cigarettes and liquor and sometimes drugs and hence they tend to do worse in exams than girls.
This year SSC (SSC 2007) results shows that Girls are more ahead as compare to boys. There is a success everywhere a beautiful face which is the plus point of a girl. In academic sphere now days --boys are lagging behind the girls. It doe not mean that boys are not there at all in academics. There are some exceptions but generally the girls are making their position by sincerity, presence of mind, perseverance, brain storming, hard-work, obedience etc etc. Society can develop with the advancement of both, boys or Girls. They are the two sides of same coin.

Sunday 1 July, 2007

Life as it comes

We have to take the life as it comes. We will think about tomorrow. First think about the Today and then the future. If your deeds are good today, your future days will be good only. We have to study on our own life. First try to look at you and then decide what you did after came to this world? The past is past and tomorrow is tomorrow. There is no real living moment but the present. This was said by one teacher. He is right. We have to enjoy every moment of our life. But what do you mean by enjoy? All our concentration should be at Almighty’s feet.