Thursday 5 July, 2007

Life cycle

The day you born and the final day of our life is the period where we saw every ups and downs in our life. Imagine the life which you lived for others and the life you spent for yourself. We live the life as it comes or it is a predestined one. Yes I will say it’s predestined one. We are simply the paddles in the Chess Game. There are so many definitions about the life. If everything is predefined why can not we overcome the bad circumstances? Why we have to suffer? The decisions which we take in our life were somewhat wrong in one or another way for which we have to pay for that. Every moment we live just because the All Mighty is with us. The moment He leaves our body we are out of this world. For some of the people it’s a natural cycle process. Birth and death are predefined as per our karmas. Who is deciding these karmas? Its we people who are doing this. The good deeds come into good results and vice versa. Then what is the final truth in our life. The only universal truth in life is Death. The one who born on this Earth 、has to leave this Earth after certain period. Nobody is immortal. How to get rid from these birth and death cycles? Is there any way to come out these cycles?

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