Tuesday 3 July, 2007

Are girls go more far in studies than boys?

This is a very good question. Up till now I am thinking that Intelligence depends on individual’s brain level. It’s no way related to sex whether male or female. I saw many girls are very sharp in studies and they excelled in their life. The surrounding in which you born and brought up,  matters a lot. I remember one saying that” The man is known by his company”. If his company is good means he will think like a civilized person. Destructive thoughts will not come in his mind.
I feel sex does not have much do with intelligence. Earlier days girls were supposed to be weaker in mathematics and some science subjects. However nowadays we find girls doing well in these subjects. People are sending their children to tuition classes to understand the subjects clearly. In old days all people thought that the Girls mean she has to get married and should look her house. The ways of seeing at girls were totally different .People thought that girls have to do only two things in life and that are Chool aani Mool. They will be considered as the machines for raising the family. But now the whole scenario has been changed and girls are doing almost all work what boys are doing. Now we can find the girls in every field and their performance is overwhelming. Results wise girls do better as they want to get better jobs. This has something to do with our wretched dowry system and problems with in laws. Boys on the other hand because of physical superiority tend to neglect studies and watch TV and movies when young. Later on they take cigarettes and liquor and sometimes drugs and hence they tend to do worse in exams than girls.
This year SSC (SSC 2007) results shows that Girls are more ahead as compare to boys. There is a success everywhere a beautiful face which is the plus point of a girl. In academic sphere now days --boys are lagging behind the girls. It doe not mean that boys are not there at all in academics. There are some exceptions but generally the girls are making their position by sincerity, presence of mind, perseverance, brain storming, hard-work, obedience etc etc. Society can develop with the advancement of both, boys or Girls. They are the two sides of same coin.

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