Thursday 19 July, 2007

Value of Life in India

First thought came in my mind was whether I praised India or write something bad about things happening in India. It is one of the big Democratic country in the World. We are worship with Knowledge and Sanskriti. We will find all types of people in India. I just wanted to make a point do we have any Value for our life in India. I am a true Indian and respect my nation a lot but looking, reading in newspapers, watching TV people dying in Train Accidents, Cyclones,Floods,Earthquakes,Riots,Building Collapses,Fire,Road Accidents and the list goes on.... How a normal Human being can can stay safe. While traveling in trains you never know when you come across a train Accident only because of negligence of our Railway Authorities, A truck or a Bus can run over you anytime because of negligence of traffic police no proper mechanism to check speeds, We say you are safe when you are at your home but thanks to our builders & the concerned authorities who approve projects which the material used for building a house is of poor quality and anytime you can loose your house and family because the building can collapse anytime.

I know Natural calamities can not be predicted but why this condition came on India? Because in every field we are inventing some new things against Nature. For making our life we are inventing one thing which will cause other bad effects in one or another way. Natural calamities have no control but are any precautions taken by our Government no. The people who run our nation whom we call Government of India no matter is BJP,Congress or any other political party there one & only one goal is to earn money. If BJP and Congress to very big political parties of India claim that there main goal is to prosper India then why not get together and run the nation but they will not because power & money will be distributed which they do not want? Spending Crores of rupees in Campaigning during elections why do they need to spend this much during elections cannot you spend that money to prosper India, but they will not because the main objective is not to prosper out nation but to have Power and Money. We have people who are more than 60yrs of age running our nation who cannot think innovative, cannot think about future of India they cannot work more efficiently than a person who is 30 to 40yrs of age , we have people who are not even ever gone to school. Why cannot we have eligibility criteria in politics & today in India if a person has to enter any profession he has to fulfill the requirements and be eligible to join that profession why not politics?

No where I find discipline, safety? Everywhere people are involved in one or other case. Once they got power,they are misusing that power for their benecifiary part. Are the political party playing a majore role in moving India ahead in new era. What will be the future of next generations? Are we living in 20th century? What dreams our Freedom fighters thought about India and what are we doing? They are fighting for the people for freedom and we are just doing opposite to that.Terrisom is a common thing in India. Anybody will come with armed weapon and will served their purpose? People are just seeing the scenario. Police departments are there but what is the use?People do not have any fear about police?There will be lakhs of cases are pending in the courts and nobody will even bouther about that.

Tax is being a big issue in India. We are payinh hell lot of taxes on every small things. Whats the use? Are we getting the facilities for which we are deserved? We pay taxes for each and everything but we get nil service from our government. Government asks for each and every account where we sent money does the government gives any statement or account where they spending the money for better future for India. I want to ask people of India does this country has some future? Do we see any value for life for us and our family here in India? When will the nation Change when we will stop fighting for religion & when will we have no destruction during Natural Calamities it will only happen when Politics will end in India, corruption will end in India but is that possible?

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