Friday 22 June, 2007

A Balanced Society

What do you mean by a Balanced Society? According to me it’s a community of people live in good health condition and drives the Nation at its best. May be there are so many definitions we read in Economics on Society? So many Economists gave various definitions of the same. What’s the use? Are we following any steps in curing the diseases which suck the growth of good society? Our concerns should be to create an egalitarian society and that egalitarian society must have a place for the people who are living below poverty line.
A society where man gets equal rights with respect to political, social, Mankind, Economic rights and Privileges. The poor must have equal access to whatever opportunity exists for the rich people and that the rich do not get richer and the poor do not get poorer. In India wealth is gathering in the hands of two or three people. Let all people fulfill their basic needs and the whole nation enjoys their good life and freedom. Even if we have a freedom, the deeds which we are doing are unimaginable? People are taking bribes to get more money which will fulfill their needs. Is that the only reason for this? What corrective measures have to be taken by government in order to wash out the corruption? What’s the root cause of corruption? Is this the Money, needs, person to person minds, wish, power or what? How to get rid from all those situations which will be harmful to a Balanced Society? According to me general awareness about the healthy life among the people should increased and they should also thought of a well cultured life. Corruption, criminal behavior, bad mentality, use of power for bad purposes, greedy nature all these factors will affect the balanced society. Once their mind sets to a good thinking level automatically all bad thought will go from their mind.

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