Tuesday 19 June, 2007

Marriage and Health

Marriage is like a Bond between two beloved persons. Both have to share ups and downs in the life together. This relationship truly based on the Faith on each other. So that’s why in Indian marriages before anyone get married there will be hell lot of procedures to be followed. Horoscope match will be one of the things to do. Whatever may be the case people do not want to take any type of risk in marriage. Trust and honesty form the base of a good relationship, with marriage being the beginning of a life long partnership. Hence, good communication from the beginning helps ensure that one has a lasting, loving partnership. One has to maintain his honesty in order to running this partnership till death.
But there are some hidden secrets, which may not be disclosed to the prospective spouses as it may jeopardize a growing alliance. But is this fair? Everyone please take the survey to find out whether or not any type of diseases should be present or not. Previously in villages if the girl did not deliver a child then all blame will be given to that girl itself. Nobody will tell a single word to the man. But now this is not the case. Even man is equally responsible for this. So the general awareness in the people has increased.

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