Friday 22 June, 2007

Infant education catching fancy of young mothers

Long back I read an article on internet about this topic and I was astonished. This is the example which shows how competent our mother is? She is taking the child care before the child is seeing this wonderful world. Is it so necessary to do this?
In Mahabharata I heard that when Aabhimanyua was about to born His father explained the idea of Chakravyah to her wife and little Abhimanyua listen all those conversations before coming to this world. No doubt technology made lot changes in our life but up till now delivering a child will be natural life cycle process. Here also people want to go against nature rules. By seeing the flash cards people want to educate their child so that he will learn the things faster and faster than a normal baby.It may not be mere lullabies and feeding bottles for babies any more as young educated mothers are increasingly warming up to the idea of infant education.The cut-throat competition in the modern world has driven ambitious mothers to start education for their kid’s right from the infancy stage. With proper approach, a child can begin learning a language from the third month, gain encyclopedic knowledge from the sixth month, understand mathematics from the ninth month and learn the basis of education within a year, carrying their newborns, make a beeline for her centre here, where training is provided to stimulate the babies' brain growth using flash cards. This is a sentence of one Mother who is implementing this .But really so advanced thing is required? If something goes wrong then the whole life of that child will be miserable. Why to play with the life cycle of our own child? Let them grow as per the natural cycle and after certain age starts all your efforts in making the child smart by all means. If you are doing this just to show that my son is smart among a crowd then its just a foolishness.

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