Friday 22 June, 2007

Yoga Asana

Now a day’s people are very health conscious. They are going for a morning and evening walk. Some people will go to Gym and Aerobic classes to maintain fitness. Some people regularly visit their family doctors for routine check up. By all these means we can keep our health in good condition but what about our mental health? How are you controlling the mental stresses? Some people can not resist emotions. Some people in some difficult situations can not be controlled by anyone. So how to control this mental trauma? I know Elders are saying if you are about to scold count the numbers from one to hundred. But does it really works? I found even if people count the numbers from one to hundred instead of calming down their angriness will be increased to double. So what to do in such situations? How to control ourselves? You can not start Yoga that time itself but Yes you can try to keep our mind and body calm by controlling the breath conditions. Meditation has positive effects on both the mind and the body. It helps an individual deal with mental turmoil and aids in both anger management and stress reduction. From a physiological aspect, it is known to boost immunity levels, and promote healing. What we want is to control ourselves in mental stresses? By doing some Yoga exercises we can keep control on our Body organs which helps in improving mental health.
Problem is from where to start and where to go to do proper Yoga Asana? Now a days there are number of good Institute or Organizations which will teach Yoga. On the Internet also we will find some tutorials regarding this. But best thing is to join a good Institute and learn the proper Yoga Asana. Now what are the effects of Yoga ,meditation on our body. Here are some intriguing findings that researchers have come upon with regards to meditation: During meditation, there is a significant drop in the body's oxygen requirements, the respiratory rate slows down, indicating deep relaxation. The heart rate of a person also slows down, and blood pressure drops. There is a change in brain wave patterns, as they switch from the normal, chaotic beta waves to the slower alpha waves, indicating that the brain is in a rested, but alert state. The body's rejuvenating parasympathetic system is switched on; indicated by several key signs like less blood flow to the skeletal muscles, change in perspiration levels and muscle tension. These are some of the effects I got from one physician .A study conducted upon medical students just before their examinations, revealed that those of them who practiced meditation had a higher number of immunity-boosting cells in their saliva than others. This protected them against a stress-induced weakening of the immune system. So by doing some Yoga you can keep our physical and mental health in good condition. Let’s take an oath to do Yoga daily as a part of our life.

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